Monday, October 11, 2010

Stumped by Booksy

I know, I'm not actually doing well on the "daily post" thing, but the truth is: I was stumped. The next topic was:

Day 18 – Favorite beginning scene in a book

I don't have one! Usually I'm pulling my hair out trying to make it through the first scenes in order to give a book a fair chance (this is what I call the "50-page test - where I give it the ol' college try for 50 pages before giving up).

I do, however, have a favourite opening line:

"Marley was dead: to begin with." Aaaaaahhhhh, Dickens, you brilliant old whip. You had me at "dead." So there you have it: it's not a scene, but I dare you to find a book that has a better opener than that.

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