Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Last of the Booksy, plus a Hallowe'en secret

Day 29 – Saddest character death OR best/most satisfying character death (or both!)
Okay, I'm going to put on my nerd-glasses and tell you that I was so upset when Professor Dumbledore died! Then I got angry at a literary inconsistency in which everyone wondered W.W.D.D. but no one consulted his portrait. Idiots.
p.s. The most satisfying death was Jack Randall's in Outlander. Shhhh, I know, but don't spoil it. Don't!

Day 30 – What book are you reading right now?

I plan on finishing Plum Spooky tonight, and I've already started The Scarlet Letter. I'm listening to the audio-version of Fragile Things, too.

The Hallowe'en Secret:
I hate Hallowe'en. What, that's not a secret? Oh. Bring on the Christmas season!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Booksy - 4 days' worth!

Oh, don't act like you're not happy that I'm not posting a few sentences every day. Everyone loves a digest, right? Actually, I'm not much of a fan myself.

Day 25 – Any five books from your “to be read” stack
At random:
Sophie's Choice (I'm still not at all sure what this book is about. WAIT DON'T TELL ME!)
High Fidelity (I've heard it's better than the movie.)
Hawaii (I think I want to read this again at some point.)
The English Patient (I can't seem to get rid of this book, so I might as well read it.)
Shogun (This is a huge book. It better be good. Or else.)

Day 26 – OMG WTF? OR most irritating/awful/annoying book ending
Needful Things! The tiny demon riding away into eternity in a chariot? Really? It was a creepy book until I read that. Maybe that's a good thing, because I don't get nightmares as a result.

Day 27 – If a book contains ______, you will always read it (and a book or books that contain it)!
Humour. Aha, you thought I'd say sex, huh? Nope. I need to laugh! The Stephanie Plum series always makes me laugh out loud!

Day 28 – First favorite book or series obsession
The Babysitter's Club. It all started with Kristy's Great Idea, and then my own fever for entrepreneurial feats began! Remember the Club International? It was a "spy agency" I began that was free of charge... with 25 cents tax. Kids.

Happy Reading, all!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Three more days' worth

Ok, this will be quick because I have water filling up the laundry tub and I need to put something else in there.

Day 22 – Favorite non-sexual relationship (including asexual romantic relationships)
Calvin and Hobbes! This has to count. What do I love about them? I like the fact that Calvin is so rough around the edges, but Hobbes (which is really a separate part of Calvin's personality) lets loose with the lady love. It's a perfect way to show the reluctant maturity of a little boy, or so I believe, never having been a boy, nor having any male offspring to observe. Meh. They're funny.

Day 23 – Most annoying character ever
Scarlett O'Hara. She's whiny, selfish, spoiled, conniving... not to mention fun to read about. Just because someone is annoying doesn't mean she isn't interesting. I'm just really glad I don't actually know anyone like her.

Day 24 – Best quote from a novel
"I'd rather look a fool than be right and fail to act."  Richard, Soul of the Fire.

I love this quote because in all honesty this is the kind of thought that separates the brave from the meek. Not only that, but it reminds me that even though I might look silly, there is always the small chance that what I'm doing really will stop that bully, save that baby, make someone's day and save his life. 

Later, gators.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Stumped and erased!

To make a long story short, I didn't post because I was stumped again, and then when I did post, it was erased somehow. The 'net is unreliable.

Day 19 was, I think, the best book cover, and I can't choose one. The covers don't really interest me! Do you have any favourites?

Day 20 was best kiss, and I couldn't choose that, either, because the kisses I remember distinctly are disturbing (e.g.  between Jamie and Jack in Outlander...) Ah, spoiler. Sorry.

Day 21 – Favorite romantic/sexual relationship (including asexual romantic relationships):
Oh, definitely Jamie Fraser and Claire Beauchamp Randall Fraser (Outlander series). I love how passionate they are, not only sexually but in every aspect of their relationship. They aren't half-assed about any of it. It kind of reminds me of my own marriage, except Jamie and Claire tend to be more, uh, violent, at times.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Stumped by Booksy

I know, I'm not actually doing well on the "daily post" thing, but the truth is: I was stumped. The next topic was:

Day 18 – Favorite beginning scene in a book

I don't have one! Usually I'm pulling my hair out trying to make it through the first scenes in order to give a book a fair chance (this is what I call the "50-page test - where I give it the ol' college try for 50 pages before giving up).

I do, however, have a favourite opening line:

"Marley was dead: to begin with." Aaaaaahhhhh, Dickens, you brilliant old whip. You had me at "dead." So there you have it: it's not a scene, but I dare you to find a book that has a better opener than that.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A hard night

Tonight I put D2 down without nursing her - for the first time ever. She fell asleep faster than I thought she would, and I still got to cuddle with her, but I can't help but feel a little heartbreak knowing that we're moving on to a new chapter in our lives and I'm not sure I'm ready for that. Time passes whether I want it to or not, and it never speeds up nor slows down according to my whim. I can only hope that time will take this feeling of utter sadness as quickly as it stole the last baby I'll ever have.