Monday, May 3, 2010

Girl vs. Nature

For the first time since I moved into my house seven years ago, I planted flowers in the flower garden. There were plants in there from the previous owners (a huge pine tree that my husband chopped down two years ago, a hydrangea, some euonymus plants, and tulips), but I thought it needed more colour so I added pansies. Yay, me!

What happened next surprised me most of all... I was overwhelmed with the urge to increase my curb appeal. Me, the house-dweller, the nature-lover-from-afar (preferably indoors)!

So here it is... me vs. nature. I'm going to hike up my pants and try and see what I can do with this mess of a lawn! Whoa, Nelly - don't get all excited! Like most of my obsessions, this will either explode and then fizzle quickly, or it will happen gradually and you'll see the best results next year. It will likely be the latter, since I'm broke and can't afford to go crazy with the weed and feed.

Right now, my lawn's composed of mostly dandelion, clover, and some other little purple flowering plant, with a little bit of grass in between. I have no idea where to start. So I just mowed today. Mowed the gigantic dandelions. Yee-haw! I'm off to Google dandelion control.  I already know to try and pull them. Maybe if I aim for two or three plants a day? Any advice of the frugal variety?


  1. it's certainly not a quick fix, but the Scott's Turf Builder is pretty cheap and very, very easy. I don't know how much land you have, but we don't have much at all and one application costs us less than $20 and you apply it on the 'SMILE' schedule: St. Patty's day, Memorial Day (5/31), Independance day (USA's--7/4) Labor Day (9/3) and then the 'E' is for 'every time'. not sure exactly what that means LOL. they say it takes 2 years to get good results but I've noticed a huge change in one year. the dandelions were awful this year and I jsut sprayed some horrible chemicals on them--and I just read I should have pulled them. ah well. live and learn I guess!

  2. Awesome - I'll definitely look into it! Thanks!
