Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What day am I on?

Oh gosh, days are just blurring together lately. Not quite sure where I'm supposed to be.

Day 09 – Best scene ever
The one that sticks out in my mind is the scene where... wait, no, I can't tell. Someone I know hasn't reached that part yet!

But the second best scene ever is when friggin' Eeyore gives away Piglet's house and Piglet just goes with it even though it's breaking his heart and then Pooh tells Piglet he will share his home! Eeyore: what an ass.

Day 10 – A book you thought you wouldn’t like but ended up loving
Wizard's First Rule. I never thought I could like a fantasy book, and the first chapter was boring. But then, boom! It picked up and kept up for the whole book and honestly became one of my absolute favourites!

Day 11 – A book that disappointed you
The Notebook. The movie was so good! The book was so boring.


  1. I may have to borrow Wizard's First Rule from you sometime (but after I finish these 10 books I'm already partway through).

  2. I think I'm offended. I thought the book The Notebook was AMAZING. and I hated that they killed off Noah at the end of the movie. (he lives in the book - and goes on to a sequel)

  3. I think I would have hated the movie had I read the book first. I didn't even know it was a book until a year or so later!
