Top Ten Diets I've Tried

The diets listed below may or may not be labelled correctly. I'm just trying to describe them as best I can. You get the main idea. I'm not endorsing anything but #1, either.
10. Atkins Diet. I ate a lot of meat on day one. Then I felt really sick and never tried it again.
9. Soup Diet. This one worked for the three days I lasted on it. There is only so much soup I can take. I haven't been able to stomach soup since, unless it has been really cold out or I've been really,
really sick. It's been 10 years since I tried it.
8. Low-Fat Diet. I really had high hopes for this one. I substituted the "light" version of everything I could, but I didn't notice any difference in weight loss nor in how I felt. Also, things just didn't taste as good.
7. Meal Replacement Diet. I had one of those shakes in the morning and at lunch, then a healthy meal in the evening, followed by another helping of the healthy meal, then some dessert, then a couple of snacks, some more dessert, another snack, maybe some pop...
6. Cereal Diet. Feeling peckish? Have some low-fat, whole grain cereal with skim milk. I was hoping this one would help me get my daily quota of fibre, but all I got was a bowl of cereal as an appetizer to the much tastier chocolate cake I was hiding in the freezer.
5. Salad Diet. Similar to the Cereal Diet, except I'd have salad. That one only worked for the first day, and then I got too lazy to wash lettuce.
4. Serving-Size Diet. Easy-peesy-buzzing-beezy. Eat what I want, but keep it within the serving size listed on the nutritional information chart. Yeah right. I ended up having one serving
at a time. It did help me to become aware of what I was eating, at least.
3. Water Diet. Have a glass of water before anything I eat. I guess this one helped me to get my water quota each day, kept me hydrated, and helped me avoid bingeing, but I also peed a lot and still ate a bunch of junk. Not much weight loss, but I felt pretty good.
2. Sugar-Free Diet. This one actually worked pretty well. I didn't find it too difficult because I was substituting Splenda. I lost some weight, and I felt pretty good thanks to the absence of sugar-highs and crashes. I'll probably try this one again (and again). I'm just waiting to stop nursing (I don't want to overload the baby with Sucralose).
1. Healthy Food Plus Exercise. Once again, the only thing that really worked with lasting results. Sigh.